OSCE Station 5: Treatment Plan / Consent
Massage Therapy Board Exam Review
OSCE Station 5 : Treatment Plan / Consent
In the OSCE Station 5, the candidate is expected to interact with the client to explain their treatment plan for initial and on-going treatment, and obtain informed consent.
Treatment Plans are formulated based on:
Subjective Information:
1. Client’s Health History
2. Client’s perspective of their presenting condition.
and, Objective Information:
3. Results of ROM testing, Orthopedic Testing, Neurological Testing, Postural Analysis
As registered Massage Therapists, we are required by law to get the patient’s Informed Consent.
***Informed Consent means the client understands and agrees to the Massage Therapist’s Treatment Plan.
Informed Consent / Consent To Treat Includes:
- Goal of treatment
- Positioning of the Client
- Draping
- Areas of the body treated and the reason for this
- The client will remove clothes according to their comfort once the massage therapist leaves the room
- Amount of pressure to be used and that it can be adjusted
- Risks of the Massage Treatment
- Potential Benefits of the Massage Treatment
- Treatment Modifications if needed
- Hydrotherapy, Stretching
- Contraindications
- Cost and Duration
- Does client need assistance getting on the table
- Any questions from the client
- Does Client consent to the treatment plan
Communicating the Massage Treatment Plan:
- Therapist should learn how to communicate the treatment plan clearly in about 3 minutes.
- Apart from it being required by law, the treatment plan will help make the client feel more relaxed and in control of the treatment. It is important that the patient understands what happens during the massage treatment and why.
- Massage Therapist should consider the client’s knowledge and should refrain from using technical terms that the client does not understand.
Informed Consent / Consent to Treat Statement should include:
- Initial Treatment Plan. The Massage Therapist’s conclusion of what needs to be treated based on subjective and objective information.
- The positioning, pillowing and draping. The therapist needs to let the client know that they will have time to remove clothes according to their comfort, and position themselves accordingly between the sheets on the table, once the massage therapist leaves the room.
- The overview of how an actual massage is performed and how pressure is applied especially if it is a first time massage client. e.g techniques, passive stretch, hydrotherapy
- The Risks and Benefits of the massage treatment.
- That the therapist is open to modifying the treatment plan ( including massage techniques) before or during the massage.
- That the Client may stop the treatment at any time.
- Therapist should ask the client if they have any questions and answer them to the best of their knowledge.
- The therapist needs to ask the client if they consent to the treatment.
Also ;
- Ongoing treatment plan, the frequency and duration and the perceived results of the ongoing treatment plan should also be included in the treatment consent.
- The client should also be informed that Remedial Exercise and Self Care are to be given after the treatment.
- The therapist should also remind the client to observe their bodies’ reaction to the massage treatments and inform you ( therapist ) about it the next time they come.