Bell’s palsy is a dysfunction ( usually a lesion) in the Cranial Nerve VII causing flaccid paralysis of the muscles of facial expression on the same side as the nerve lesion.
Bell’s Palsy Massage Therapy Treatment:
- position supine, no prone – gently support opposite side of head
- diaphragmatic breathing
- Cool Hydro to the affected tissues
- Local heat over muscle shortened and with TP’s (if no edema)
- unaffected side first
- Effleurage, Petrissage, Muscle Stripping to chest, posterior neck and shoulders
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage if edema is present
- Unaffected facial muscles: pressure TOWARDS the lesion from LATERAL to MIDLINE of the face
- fingertip kneading, compressions, stroking, vibrations, short fascial spreading
– affected side: Bell’s Palsy Massage Therapy Treatment Bell’s Palsy Massage Treatment
- stimulating techniques ( vibrations, fast stroking), no dragging
- Pressure of strokes gentle, do not drag over lesion
- No fascial techniques
- passive movements: therapist guides the flaccid muscles to do the following: ( as client moves the unaffected side)
- raise affected eyebrow, bring eyebrows together
- closing eye
- flaring out nostrils
- smiling with teeth showing and with mouth closed
- making “O” shape with mouth
- gentle ROM to TMJ and C-spine
- facial stroking in superior and lateral direction
Considerations and Contraindications for Bell’s Palsy Massage Therapy Treatment:
- no deep, lengthening or dragging techniques to the flaccid side
- no extreme temperature with hydrotherapy
- concern with eye infection
- do not place client prone (pressure on flaccid muscles)
- do not work from midline toward flaccid side
Signs and Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy: Bell’s Palsy Massage Therapy Treatment Bell’s Palsy Massage Treatment
– rapid onset
– unilateral weakness followed by flaccid paralysis of muscles of facial expression
– On the affected side:
- Unable to raise eyebrow, forehead can’t wrinkle
- Incomplete closure of eye
- Loss of blinking reflex (tearing)
- Unable to flare nostrils
- Unable to raise corner of mouth (whistle, pucker)
Other Bell’s Palsy Symptoms: Bell’s Palsy Massage Therapy Treatment Bell’s Palsy Massage Treatment
- Difficulty eating, articulating sounds, holding upper lip to glass to prevent dribbling
- decrease salivation
- Loss of taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
- sagging of face and eyelid
- facial expressions distorted (like after the dentist)
- pain
Self Care for Bell’s Palsy: Bell’s Palsy Massage Therapy Treatment Bell’s Palsy Massage Treatment
- relaxation techniques
- self massage
- passive and active movements of affected muscles. Have client do Active Free ROM – with assistance of their fingers -to flaccid muscles